CNN's Judy McGuire wrote an article entitled "5 Friends You Don't Need in Your Life" and it hit home to me especially in these last few months where I have been (kindly) editing my list of friends. The excerpt below describes the typical prototypes one should avoid. To read the entire article, visit
"Drama Queen
The Drama Queen isn't happy (and "happy" is a relative term here) unless she's freaking out. Little things us boring normals would shrug off -- like a missed bus or parking ticket -- become monumental shriekfests. She doesn't get the flu, she gets oh-my-god-I-think-it's-cancer! Everything is a crisis, and she demands constant handholding and attention.
Nurse Betty
There is nothing that makes this one as happy as a friend in need. This may seem like a good quality (and often is -- for a while), but once you've got your butt back in gear, she either loses interest or, worse, reminds you constantly of how bad things once were, in the hopes that you'll fall back into feeling like crap so she can "save" you again.
The Lady-Hater
"I don't have female friends because all the women I meet are jealous of me." Yes, someone actually said this to me. Instead, this person prefers her friends to be of the male variety -- ideally hopelessly in love with her and willing to do her bidding.
The Critic
Also known as the frenemy, the critic is chockfull of helpful suggestions. For instance, you know your favorite dress? Well, it makes you look kind of fat. No offense. Speaking of which -- have you gained a little weight? Or are you pregnant? Are you sure? Well, never mind, you can have some of her old "fat" clothes since she has no use for them anymore.
The Leg Humper
Do you know what it's like to walk into a bar and find one of your closest friends making out with the guy you've had a crush on for an entire year? I do! Granted, that's nowhere near as bad as my friend Melissa who discovered her husband was schtupping her BFF, but still. It stung. And sure, nobody forced Melissa's husband to be a cheating jerk, but a good girlfriend never would've gone there with him.
You'll know when you're in the presence of one of these bottom-feeders by the way you become invisible the second there's a guy in the vicinity."
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Give a Little, Get a Lot

Since moving back to Houston, I have constantly been trying to get more involved with local charity and philanthropy projects supporting women and children as I no longer have the luxury of being surrounded by an active college fueled lifestyle. I recently ran across an international organization, Women for Women which “mobilizes women to change their lives through a holistic approach that addresses the unique needs of women in conflict and post-conflict environments.”
Sponsors are able to contribute to an interesting sponsorship program which covers financial benefits aiding in small business loans (microcredit lending) where these women are able to assume leadership positions in villages, participate in reconstruction of communities, train other women and become universal role models. Sponsors also exchange letters with women so a really personal bond is created which provides amazing emotional benefits to the women (and you) also. It might not be local, but it is definitely a small step to take with a massive impact. See ( for more information.
All That Glitters...
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Kid Friendly, Mother Approved

Celeb endorsed jewelry typically makes one think of the customary Fred Leighton, Bvulgari, Cartier trimmings, not usually cute kitschy Hello Kitty and Wizard of Oz adorned beaded jewels. Tarina Tarantino is changing all that with her contemporary line of accessories ranging in price from $30 bucks a pop and up. Noteworthy clients include Katy Perry, Cameron Diaz and Paris Hilton (who is perhaps not so noteworthy). Her collection changes every few seasons but maintains best sellers like her profile enamel rings and glittering charm earrings along with a few outlandish yet incredible impressive baubles. Visit to get your shop on.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Love Story?

All of you pseudo conservative nuts say what you want about Michael Moore and what is so kindly referred to as his “disgusting socialist outlook on American culture and life”, but you have to admit his work inspires an intellectual thought progression that is often lost on society today. His new film, Capitalism: A Love Story examines the “disastrous impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world).” I think that although many people may not agree 100% with Moore’s views, this film is exploring the foundation of the recession that our country is currently attempting to pull itself out of. Therefore, regardless of the politics that clearly surround the economic situation, the public should learn as much as we can even if it comes from a source that is not exactly considered America’s sweetheart. Visit for more info.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
My Favorite Bags This Season
Game Face

Coerced in part by Scarlett Johansson’s flawless advertisements, the recent launch of the Dolce & Gabbana make-up boutique in Saks Fifth Avenue (Houston Galleria) called to an astonishing number of makeup-aholics such as myself to view the entire collection which happens to be both amazing and also aesthetically pleasing. In the tiny boutique dripping with chandeliers and gleaming gold embellishments, I had the opportunity to become a tester (thanks to the artistic talents of J.C) for the True Red lipstick and Stromboli nail laquer. Walked out of there a whole new woman…but not quite Scarlett.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rice+Shoes=Happy World

Been waiting to save the world? Log onto and choose from a variety of topics. For each question you get correct, the site donates one grain of rice to those less fortunate. Also, buy a pair of Murakami endorsed Tom's shoes, which donates a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair sold. Quick ways for you to participate in helping out:)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dancing Shoes

Recently opened Houston hotspots Reign Lounge and Club Eight have been promoting their venues almost daily for the past few months and have quickly become the new rising stars on Washington Ave. Although there may be a nauseating abundance of guys in Ed Hardy/blazer combos and girls in Herve Leger bandage dresses, Houston nightlife certainly has seemed to have upped its ante from the predictable Wednesday night at Agora. According to a close source, neigh, nightlife vixen on the Houston scene, here is the tentative schedule for the party life.
Tuesday- Manor
Wednesday- Reign
Thursday- Eight
Friday- Rare
After-hours: Saek & Zouk turned Carpe Noctum
Saturday, July 11, 2009

The following excerpt is from Julie & Julia by Julie Powell, which is quickly getting churned into a “major motion picture” that although looks really cute, will nonetheless ruin the beauty of the novel. Worth the read.
“Sally has never dated a boy for more than six months. This is a state of affairs that cuts both ways. Sometimes she’ll present us with a flurry of boys all at once: Cuban food with one on Wednesday, a Ben Stiller movie with another on Friday, brunch on Sunday with a third. She’ll have a cheerful, leering glint in her eye, and when the boy gets up to use the restroom, she’ll lean across the table with a grin and whisper, ‘What do you think? He’s cute, isn’t he?’ These periodic springtimes of Sally’s erotic lifestyle can sometimes knock me for a loop…But then some high school friend gets pregnant, or Sally’s mother gives her insufferably well-adjusted little sister who’s getting married a homemade family cookbook of well-loved recipes, then refuses to give one to Sally because ‘It’s only for the wives of the family.’ Then Sally starts bringing only one boy around…and this time there’s a slightly desperate appeal in her eye, and when she asks ‘He’s cute, isn’t he?’ it’s more like a plea for reassurance than a prideful acknowledgement of her catch.”
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Think Apple should cut you a check for the amount of time you spend tapping away on the iPhone’s pristine little screen (covered in fingerprints nonetheless) while shamelessly promoting the beauty of its existence? Well, perhaps you should swing by cool contemporary photographer David Brown’s 20/40 exhibit which features pics snapped in their entirety by the infamous iPhone. Perhaps the sheer impressive quality of his shots haven’t dawned on you yet, but up close, Brown has captured the essence of H-town almost singularly on his phone through photos of sights us Houstonians pass by without a glance daily. They feature the highways, shops and strangers that make this town so beautiful to look through with any lens, including one as primitive (I say this comparatively speaking to a photographer’s traditional equipment) as the camera of a phone. So if you think you should be mailing off a demand letter to Apple, perhaps we should let Brown should take a shot first.
(Exhibit featured at Catalina Coffee; 2201 Washington Avenue; Visit
Monday, June 29, 2009
Food, Inc.

This documentary exposes the seedy underbelly of America’s food industry and digs deep into industry corporations (with the approval of agencies like the FDA and USDA) which control an enormous amount of our nation’s food supply and favor profits over health. Filmmaker Robert Kenner puts it this way, “We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won't go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.” You might wanna reconsider that cheeseburger after watching this…
Texts From Last Night
Much like the phenomenon website FML, is yet another reason to escape your otherwise bland workday. Visitors are encouraged to add the incredibly stupid and mostly drunk comments and happenings from the night before. So many posts from Austin, ahhhh those were the days. See excerpts below…
(713): Tell Heather sorry for burning her hair. Also for anything else that I may have done that warrants and apology. Anything after about 10pm is kind of hazy.
(631): You went to the wrong car, tried to open the locked door, and started crying because you thought we were playing a mean trick. Then the owner came...
(325): I bet farrah fawcett is having words with michael jackson in heaven for stealing her thunder
(713): Tell Heather sorry for burning her hair. Also for anything else that I may have done that warrants and apology. Anything after about 10pm is kind of hazy.
(631): You went to the wrong car, tried to open the locked door, and started crying because you thought we were playing a mean trick. Then the owner came...
(325): I bet farrah fawcett is having words with michael jackson in heaven for stealing her thunder
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
"This One's Gonna Be a Scorcher"

Oh how posts dwindle during the sticky and humid Houston summer. Well, after a long standing hiatus, here I am to remind Houstonians of old ways to cool off and new things to indulge in. Topping the old list is snow ice from Bellaire's best (a.k.a Chinatown) which remains my sisters' go-to treat and nicely satisfies my sweet tooth. Other old standby's include fried ice cream (Cafe Japon) or fried banana spring rolls at P.F. Changs. (Option C: chasing down the hard to find ice cream truck on Hillcroft for Lucas pops.)
New summer faves include “nightclub cardio” classes at Pravada where ladies can strut their sexy stuff while also getting a full body workout inspired by contemporary tunage and an atmosphere that clearly surpasses that of your local gym. And what better way to cool off in style than to lay out by the decadently accessorized pool (read: models) at the Four Seasons? My personal favorite trick to beating Houston heat? Get out of town.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tales from The Village
Recently hit up Rice Village where a new wave of cute boutiques has cropped up. High Society, Hot Pink Sugar, and the new Chocolate Bar were just a few of the places we checked out. The store I miss the most, which was quickly replaced by upscale chain boutique Soho, is Get With It, an Adult/Tween/Baby contemporary boutique which helped me build my wardrobe with beautiful pieces by Betsey Johnson, 7 and Marcus. Regardless of this devastating hiccup (and the closing of the Cold Stone on Morningside), The Village is still one of my favorite places to shop, eat and peruse in H-town.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
2nd St. Love

Returned from Austin and fell in love with 2nd St. District all over again. It’s funny because last year I was interviewing a few boutique owners from Shiki and Girl Next Door and there were probably 5 stores open. This past weekend however, we walked around 2 entire blocks which housed adorable boutiques like Peyton’s Place, brunched at hip resto Taverna and browsed contemporary furniture designs at Ligne Roset. It doesn’t hurt that The W of all W’s is opening right in the heart of 2nd. which has plans to be both a hotel and residential property. Coffee at Teuscher and dessert at Paciugo was the end to a perfect weekend:)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
View from the Veranda

Newly opened Veranda Mediterranean Restaurant is like the super cozy and charming living room of one of your wealthy friends what with its exposed brick, custom made tile backsplash and high beam ceilings. It also happens to be a restaurant, café and hookah lounge. Convenient nd delicious. The cuisine is a delicate mix of Arab, Italian and Greek flavors with daily changing options on the menu. The “Veranda Chicken” (a moist chicken breast stuffed with cheese, breaded and topped with sundried tomatoes) and ooey-gooey pistachio and almond filled baklava are unavoidably mouth watering. And unlike traditional eateries, you can grab a cup of espresso and kick back in the outdoor hookah lounge with your laptop (free wi-fi). Added perks include the amazing staff, who are always attentive to their patrons.
(Veranda Mediterranean Restaurant; 303 Grasshopper (off I-10 & Hwy 6), Houston, TX 77079; Opens 4/25)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Take a Load Off
Spa Week is fast approaching which means one thing, ah cheap treatments from luxury spas that would normally require one to shell out the big bucks. But for this one magical week, all you need is $50 bucks (per treatment). The downside: no Spa Week in Houston. The upside: $50 is worth the drive to Austin, San Antonio and Dallas. I saw one of those shirts the other day “Keep Houston Rich,” are Houstonians really too rich for Spa Week? Come on people, don’t make me sick.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
The New Greece

Way back when, I was sitting in an adorable restaurant in Athens when the table next to us bust out in spontaneous song and dance accompanied by a synchronized group effort from other restaurant patrons which included claps, whistles and money throwing. Fast forward to last night where the same scene took place in Byzantios Cafe & Bar on West Grey. It was amazing to see the same display of enthused cultural comradery in a location so far from that tiny Greek restaurant I sat in some three years ago. It completely took me back and the food was also very comparable to the real deal (the spanakopita is to die for).
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Pizza Wars

As a former Austinite, I used to love hitting up the Drag to get a bite of Mellow Mushroom which has some amazing pizza if you are into layers of cheese upon cheese topped with more cheese. Healthy…no, but totally worth the calorie fest. A new joint Pink’s Pizza has recently joined the ranks of pizza pie eateries in Houston and has now become my Houston version of Mellow Mushroom. It tops its pies with a variety of eccentric ingredients which include the likes of gorgonzola, cranberries, sun-dried tomato, marinated artichokes, you get it. They also have something I am dying to try called the crack brownie (milk chocolate with chocolate chunks and almonds) which sounds better than the real thing.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Two Companies I Cannot Stand

Drumroll please….T-Mobile and the "ultimate driving machine" BMW. I can’t stand either of these companies, they are complete and total ripoffs, why anyone in their right mind would subscribe to either of their services is beyond me. I won’t go into detail but if you really want to hear about it, email me. (I think I’m even going to join the website because I believe so wholeheartedly in the mantra.) At this point I obviously have no choice but to stick with them until I can a) get out of my contract with T-Mobile and b) have enough to get an F-150. Thanks for allowing me to vent.
BTW I found a hilarious blog rant on Tmobile.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Zumba, Zumba, Zumba

Two summers ago, I discovered a magical class that taught me how to salsa, meringue and reggaeton my way into a whole new world of fitness. In learning random combined techniques of belly dancing and the Argentine tango along with several other genres of dance, I figured out that you don’t have to be perfectly coordinated or genetically equipped with this gift, but for a small fee of…well how much your membership cost is, you may be able to reluctantly agree to test out that new salsa club. Yes, some moves might be cheesy. Yes, you may have a 58 yr old outdance you but the truth is...who cares, because you have mastered how to shake it like Shakira. Check out for more info.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
F My Life?
Some might call it inappropriate, others might call it side splitting hilarity but the site is really a way of making anyone feel like their life, regardless of how pathetic or bleak may seem (or be for that matter), is possibly a tiny cut better than someone else’s; and that people, is truly comforting but sometimes just sad. Check it out to add your own woes or to commiserate on others gloom. For example, “Today, I checked my facebook, and my wife of 5 years was listed as single. I then write on her wall that it is ok to announce to be married. She writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen. My wife divorced me over facebook. FML.” Don't you feel better already?
Rachel's Vegas Gambling Picks

Blackjack Switch at Bill’s Gambling Hall
Best game in the world! You get dealt two hands and you can switch the top two cards to make better hands. BUT the catch is that if dealer has 22 it’s a push. =(
Da Vinci Diamonds
Oh, Mona, I love you!
Desert Spirit / Lil Lady / Wolf Run
40 line penny slots. We made $30 from just 40 cents! (Lil Lady
doesn’t disappoint)
9 Line Slots at NYNY
I want more balls! The bigger the better!
$5 craps at O’Sheas
Best times of my life. We put in a total of $30 and came out with $300! YO!
$3 Blackjack at Hooters
Cheap gambling, wings and girls’ in short shorts. Nuff said.
Slots at Imperial Palace
Probably some of the loosest slots you’ll find on the strip.
Bill at O’Sheas
Pit boss at O’Sheas. He’s a freaking genius, I swear he’s psychic or something.
South Point roulette
No minimum bet like the other places. Always bet on 0/00 just in case.
It’s always on the bonus when I pass by and people are BANKING, but
when I play I just lose money. But it’s still fun to watch.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Que Bonita

My childhood friend Lorena began designing gorgeous jewelry as a hobby which turned into a lucrative career. Her divine cocktail rings are an intricate web of copper wire and semi precious jewels that are not only one of a kind, but an absolute standout at any event. The best part is, she can custom make creations upon request. Be sure to check out her Facebook group for more information: Designs by Azizeh.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Vivaaaaaaaaaaa Las Vegaaaaaaaaaaaaaas

Upon my 7th tearful departure from our country’s sinful capital, (tearful because I was sad, not because I had a bad encounter at the tables although I cannot say the same for my Vegas counterpart…you know who you are!), I started to compile a list of my favorite things about Vegas that have little or nothing to do with gambling. At this point, most of you are probably not going to read any further, but before you do, know that I will have a guest blog written by a true Vegas darling on the best gaming in Sin City. My list consists of some of the more obvious things, some not so obvious likes and loves of Vegas (in no particular order). Enjoy!
1. Le Burger Brasserie (Paris)
Delicious burgers, fresh cut waffle fries a.k.a “pomme frites” and a laid back sports bar-esque interior. Watch out for anyone who orders the trademark 777 burger which is dripping with all the Vegas trimmings. Read: $777 Kobe Beef and Maine Lobster Burger, imported Brie, and 100 yr. aged balsamic vinegar and served with a bottle of Dom…obviously.
2. South Point Casino’s Steak and Seafood Dinner
We got comped this delicious meal and was worth every cent of our $20 tip!
3. Cirque du Soleil’s KA (MGM Grand)
Acclaimed by the critics and by me. Acrobatics, a sweet storyline and theatrics up the wazoo. What’s not to love?
4. Tao (The Venetian)
Our first visit to Tao was littered with gorgeous models in stone tubs, dancers on the balcony accompanied by a live sax player, a chaotic circus show with a fire eater, money thrown at the crowd and fake snow to cool us off. Great music, amazing atmosphere, and an incredible view from the balcony are also included.
5. Mix (Mandalay Bay)
Located on the top floor of Mandalay Bay, this lounge is not known for its drinks, but for its awe inspiring view. Be sure to use the bathroom where you will gleefully sit upon your throne in front of a floor to ceiling window overlooking the length of the strip. IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND.
6. Spice Market Buffet (Planet Hollywood)
7. Chocolate crepes at Jean-Phillipe Patisserie (The Bellagio)
Am I allowed to say yum again? Be advised, each crepe costs around $12 and the service is not what it used to be. Hot damn.
8. The Spa at The Bellagio
I went in for an Egyptian gold wrap. My spa tech was very sweet and the service was amazing. In true Vegas style, the spa includes tranquil lounge areas, juice bars, an open balcony, locker rooms, private dressing areas, vanity areas, hot tubs, cold plunge pools, dry saunas, spray-on tan areas and steam rooms, two vichy showers and two hydrotherapy rooms. All readily available to take a load off all that gambling.
9. The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino
Your one stop shop for beautiful people including celebrities like Miz Paris Hilton who happened to be staying in the room next door to us just last week. Her bodyguard sat in front of her door the entire time and no, we didn’t hear any noises.
10. The Venus pools (Caesar’s Palace)
Great poolside service, beautiful to look at sans construction work(ers). Splurge on a bed when the weather permits.
11. Elvis Impersonator (Bill’s Gambling Hall)
He’s actually very enjoyable and sounds a lot like…an impersonator. In any case he lightens the mood of the entire casino.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Encore, Encore!
As I recently returned to Houston, I decided to check out the much buzzed about consignment shop Encore, located only a few short minutes from my tiny neighborhood and still in the realm of my “in the loop” bubble. My first visit to the store resulted in a serious fixation on an irresistible gold cuffed Hermes bracelet. As we are in a recession (sigh), I instead opted for a cool chocolate and turquoise cashmere Tory Burch shirt. Since then, I have religiously visited the store to hunt down fabulous finds like a chic Ted Baker vest and a pair of white Tod’s moccasins. Owner Terry Rambin is super sweet and doesn’t make you feel dirty for putting your mitts all over that quilted Chanel. For all you consignment newbies, this is definitely worth a peek.

Monday, March 23, 2009
Coffee Break

Starbucks is unfortunately my one and only vice to battling the early morning blues. What the coffee giant makes up for in convenience, it lacks in originality and boldly lures you with its overpriced legal stimulants. For a mug of joe that is truly buzz worthy, hit up Catalina Coffee (2201 Washington Ave.) where you can distinctly savor high quality caffeine. Another obvious favorite is Montrose joint Agora where hip shaking belly dancers grace the coffeehouse every Wednesday night. For an out of town buzz, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is worthy of the media attention courtesy of L.A. pap faves like Ashley Tisdale and Jessica Simpson. And for those of you who refuse to give up your Starbucks fix (say it slowly: addiction), try some off the menu options like a Tuxedo Mocha (half white, half regular mocha) or a Raspberry Cheesecake Mocha (white mocha with a couple of pumps of raspberry). Happy drinking.
A Little More “Off the Kuff”
For those of you who are like me and share a serious interest in politics but have a hard time keeping up, follow along with fellow blogger Charles Kuffner whose blog “Off the Kuff” has been one of the leading Houston blogs since 2002. He has the masses closely eating his every (brilliant) word and rightfully so since his research and attention to detail is more than impressive. For example:
“At a hearing [Thursday] of the House Committee on Human Services, Elkins and other members of the panel considered more than two dozen bills related to Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. Three hours into the hearing, Elkins asked: "What's Medicaid?" The Houston Republican continued: "I know I hear it -- I really don't know what it is. I know that's a big shock to everybody here in the audience, OK." He could have kept quiet. He could have asked an aide. He could have Googled it. Instead, he asked the question into the microphone in the middle of a public hearing.”
For more check out
“At a hearing [Thursday] of the House Committee on Human Services, Elkins and other members of the panel considered more than two dozen bills related to Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program. Three hours into the hearing, Elkins asked: "What's Medicaid?" The Houston Republican continued: "I know I hear it -- I really don't know what it is. I know that's a big shock to everybody here in the audience, OK." He could have kept quiet. He could have asked an aide. He could have Googled it. Instead, he asked the question into the microphone in the middle of a public hearing.”
For more check out
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The Sloane Way

I read one of the most genuinely hysterical books recently, a collection of short essays by Sloane Crosley, (freelancer for Black Book Magazine, The Village Voice and Playboy) cleverly entitled I Was Told There’d Be Cake. It was only after finishing the book did I discover that her social tendencies and side splitting anecdotes are very reminiscent of myself, and maybe that’s why I really appreciate the writing. Below is a short excerpt from the essay “Bastard out of Westchester,” which I hope demonstrates that the book is definitely worth the read.
“If I ever have kids, this is what I’m going to do with them: I am going to give birth to them on foreign soil—preferably the soil of someplace like Oostende or Antwerp—destinations that have the allure of being obscure, freezing, and impossibly cultured. These are places in which people are casually trilingual and everyone knows how to make good coffee and gourmet dinners at home without having to shop for specific ingredients. Everyone has hip European sneakers that effortlessly look like the exact pair you’ve been searching for your whole life. Everything is sweetened with honey and even the generic-brand Q-tips are aesthetically packaged. People die from old age or crimes of passion or because they fall off glaciers. All the women are either thin, thin and happy, fat and happy, or thin and miserable in a glamorous way. Somehow none of their Italian heels get caught in the fifteenth-century cobblestone. Ever.”
(Book extract courtesy of
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Before you kick it (the bucket, I mean)
I recently discovered the ingenious site, a sort of bucket-list composer that helps you get your life on track. After registering on the site (which takes a swift 11 seconds), you begin crafting your master list and for every goal on your “life list”, the site shows how many other people around the world want to do the same exact thing, creating an intricate cyber web of social thoughts. For example, my life list includes mastering the fine art of belly dancing, which surprisingly only 190 people want to do:( The list is never ending (literally), you have everything from “learning to speak Norwegian” to “wearing more dresses” and oddball randomness in between. After completing a goal, you can jot a quick entry about how you accomplished it and share with other members. The site is the perfect inspirational tool for constructing the life you have always wanted to live!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Taking the Cake

Sweets are my kryptonite. I eat them often and savor them quickly. My favorite sugar haunts in Houston are fairly predictable, Shepherd’s The Chocolate Bar, The Desert Gallery and Crave Cupcakes. But by far the best sugar rush I get comes from the ambrosial melt-in-your-mouth flavors of Hey Cupcake! in Austin. Run out of an Airstream trailer, the super sweet company combines conventional flavors in a completely non-conventional way. For example, the Michael Jackson. The name says it all, a light and fluffy chocolate cupcake iced with gobs of gooey cream cheese frosting (needless to say, my favorite). Cupcake goers can even get a free “whipper-snapper,” a shot of fresh whipped cream injected delicately into your cake of choice. This place is a MUST GO on every trip to Austin and my mouth is watering…
(Photo courtesy of
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Chasing Adele

Confession: I am an Adele junkie. I first heard “Chasing Pavements” a year ago on 4 a.m. VH1 and immediately downloaded all her tunes onto my Ipod where they have since been played over and over and over again. Lucky for me (and all other Adele fans), she is gracing Houston with her presence at Warehouse Live on Saturday March 14th. As of this second, $17 tickets are being sold on where they are sure to be sold quickly and quietly. “Hometown Glory” here I come!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Push-off
Here I go, starting my very first blog, pouring my heart out for all the world to see. Frankly, it's a little frightening but also somewhat liberating. I have always been a really private person, I even refused to get a Facebook all through college, who does that? But I realized recently that I have so many things to say and sometimes no one in general to say them to. Thus I begin my push off into the blogging universe. Fingers crossed...
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